Having made a start in 3D printing I found that priming some of the bits and pieces I’d testing with different print settings helps to show up differences in the finish you get.
The main image shows two milk churns (by _steve_ on Thingiverse) both printed in PLA the one on the left at 0.18mm resolution and the one on the right at 0.08mm resolution, hopefully you can see the difference in the pic, although in real life at >0.5m away I’m not sure you would. So maybe not worth the 3x longer print time…

Here are a couple of oil barrels printed in ABS at high res. Unlike the milk churns, whose handles still need a bit of tidying, there’s not much to do here.

Finally a hyper resolution PLA cow. Bit of roughness around the head and back (printed upside down, this is where the supports go). But cows are hairy anyway, right? So I might not have bother to clean up too much…