I’d already bought some bling to accessorise my Millie, but the first real upgrade required some surgery: fitting a chuff pipe to get that chuffing sound.
So, bravely overcoming my natural squeamishness, I removed the Millie’s smokebox, got at the hacksaw, and set to…
[pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-tEEMHrR9MZg/VztxBAeJidI/AAAAAAAEju8/8UwT7KHH84Ab2iS3Syb0sCoVRSRYiQ30gCHM/s144-c-o/P1190279.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/105041492449804846682/MoelRhosBlogPhotos#6285741967045921234″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”P1190279.jpg” pe2_img_align=”none”]The original exhaust pipes needed to be cut back.
[pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/–V63rkJOcmY/VztxBLGfCoI/AAAAAAAEju8/66rpfCCuulI3BazlNh8ZZ_7TqsrjuQbFgCHM/s144-c-o/P1190280.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/105041492449804846682/MoelRhosBlogPhotos#6285741969899457154″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”P1190280.jpg” pe2_img_align=”none”]The chuff pipe is a push fit. But it wouldn’t fit! More filing needed…
[pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-gPbUfwJYpk0/VztxBLUAocI/AAAAAAAEju8/WPKdXmHPLtYp7421xoRb8d7iZmTofgd7ACHM/s144-c-o/P1190281.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/105041492449804846682/MoelRhosBlogPhotos#6285741969956184514″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”P1190281.jpg” pe2_img_align=”none”]Eventually I realised the exhaust pipes probably weren’t meant to push all the way in. I had filed enough.
Nervously I steamed up. When I opened the regulator – nothing! What had I done? Well, probably, I’d opened the regulator too soon – a minute later, she began to chuff away…
Very brave, but I think it’s worked out really well. Love the sound 🙂
I thought you’d like it – I certainly do!
Now working on her whistle…
A real engineer you’ve become. The full-set with the momentum truck is very realistic. Great stuff. Looking forward to seeing it again.
Thank you!
I’ve met some very keen engineers – I’m definitely only just beginning. But I used a lathe for the first time, last week! (Whistle works…)
Look forward to showing you live steam… er… live.
Dad asks if the carriages are big enough to fit a jack russel in?
One carriage would not be enough. Maybe front paws in one, back paws in another?
He might not enjoy the tunnels though.
you need to get a bigger train, then maybe ralph can be the train driver